Skuld's API Client Wrapper in .NET
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
3.7 KiB

3 years ago
using RestEase;
using Skuld.Core.Models;
using Skuld.Models;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Skuld.API.Client;
public interface ISkuldAPIClient : IDisposable
3 years ago
#region Guild
/// <summary>
/// Get a guild
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">Guild Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="EventResult"/> wrapped <see cref="Guild"/></returns>
public Task<EventResult> GetGuildAsync([Path] ulong id);
#endregion Guild
#region User
/// <summary>
/// Get a user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="EventResult"/> wrapped <see cref="User"/></returns>
public Task<EventResult> GetUserAsync([Path] ulong id);
#endregion User
#region Experience
/// <summary>
/// Gets the experience leaderboard
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guildId">Guild Id, Accepts 0 for all</param>
/// <param name="page">%10 offset page</param>
/// <returns><see cref="EventResult"/> wrapped <see cref="UserExperience"/></returns>
public Task<EventResult> GetExperienceLeaderboardAsync([Path] ulong guildId, [Path] int page = 0);
#endregion Experience
#region Money
/// <summary>
/// Gets the money leaderboard
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guildId">Guild Id, Accepts 0 for all</param>
/// <param name="page">%10 offset page</param>
/// <returns><see cref="EventResult"/> wrapped <see cref="User"/></returns>
public Task<EventResult> GetMoneyLeaderboardAsync([Path] ulong guildId, [Path] int page = 0);
#endregion Money
#region Profile
/// <summary>
/// Get a user's profile card
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of profile card data</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetProfileCardAsync([Path] ulong id);
/// <summary>
/// Get a user's profile card with guild attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <param name="id">Guild Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of profile card data</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetProfileCardAsync([Path] ulong id, [Path] ulong guildId);
/// <summary>
/// Preview's a custom background image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <param name="previewBackground">Background to preview</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of profile card data</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetExampleProfileCardAsync([Path] ulong id, [Query("previewBackground")] string previewBackground);
#endregion Profile
#region Rank
/// <summary>
/// Get a user's rank card
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <param name="guildId">Guild Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of profile card data</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetRankCardAsync([Path] ulong id, [Path] ulong guildId);
#endregion Rank
#region Leave/Join Card
/// <summary>
/// Get's the join card for a guild
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <param name="guildId">Guild Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of join card</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetJoinCardAsync([Path] ulong id, [Path] ulong guildId);
/// <summary>
/// Get's the leave card for a guild
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">User Id</param>
/// <param name="guildId">Guild Id</param>
/// <returns><see cref="Stream"/> of leave card</returns>
public Task<Stream> GetLeaveCardAsync([Path] ulong id, [Path] ulong guildId);
#endregion Leave/Join Card
public Task<Stream> GetLiquidRescaledAsync([Query] string image);