A bunch of scriptlets I created or found
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$pfxLocation = $args[0]
if ($pfxLocation -eq $null) {
$pfxLocation = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter PFX Location"
$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Enter Password"
$password = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $password -AsPlainText
if(!$pfxLocation.EndsWith(".pfx")) {
$pfxLocation = $pfxLocation+".pfx"
$pfxLocationWithoutExt = $pfxLocation.Replace(".pfx", "")
$pfxFilePath = "`"$($pfxLocation)`""
$caCrt = "`"$($pfxLocationWithoutExt)-ca.crt`""
$crt = "`"$($pfxLocationWithoutExt).crt`""
$encryptedKey = "`"$($pfxLocationWithoutExt)-encrypted.key`""
$key = "`"$($pfxLocationWithoutExt).key`""
$fullCrt = "`"$($pfxLocationWithoutExt)-full.crt`""
openssl pkcs12 -in $pfxLocation -nodes -nokeys -cacerts -out $caCrt -passin pass:$password
#key file
openssl pkcs12 -in $pfxLocation -nocerts -out $encryptedKey -passin pass:$password -passout pass:$password
#key decrypt
openssl rsa -in $encryptedKey -out $key -passout pass:$password
openssl pkcs12 -in $pfxLocation -clcerts -nokeys -out $crt -passin pass:$password
$crt = "$($pfxLocationWithoutExt).crt"
$caCrt = "$($pfxLocationWithoutExt)-ca.crt"
$fullCrt = "$($pfxLocationWithoutExt)-full.crt"
#join files
Get-Content $crt, $caCrt | Set-Content $fullCrt