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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using ImageMagick;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Kehyeedra3
public static class Extensions
private static DateTime YeedraTime = new DateTime(2020, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
public static ulong ToYeedraStamp(this DateTime time)
=> (ulong)(time.Subtract(YeedraTime)).TotalSeconds;
public static DateTime FromYeedraStamp(this ulong time)
=> YeedraTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(time));
public static string ToYeedraDisplay(this long number)
double numb = (double)number/10000;
return numb.ToString("N4");
public static ulong[] GetLevelXp(this ulong lvl)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
lvl += 1;
ulong lvlXp = 50;
ulong lvlFloor = 0;
for (ulong i = 0; i < lvl; i++)
if (i <= lvl)
lvlXp += Convert.ToUInt64(Math.Round((lvlXp * 0.05d + 50d), 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven));
if (i == lvl - 2)
lvlFloor = lvlXp;
ulong[] numbies = new ulong[]
return numbies;
public static double Remap(this int value, double min1, double max1, double min2, double max2)
=> ((double)value).Remap(min1, max1, min2, max2);
public static double Remap(this ulong value, double min1, double max1, double min2, double max2)
=> ((double)value).Remap(min1, max1, min2, max2);
public static double Remap(this double value, double min1, double max1, double min2, double max2)
=> min2 + (max2 - min2) * ((value - min1) / (max1 - min1));
public static void Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list)
using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
int n = list.Count;
while (n > 1)
byte[] box = new byte[1];
do provider.GetBytes(box);
while (!(box[0] < n * (byte.MaxValue / n)));
int k = (box[0] % n);
T value = list[k];
list[k] = list[n];
list[n] = value;
public static async Task<MagickImageCollection> GifPngMergeAsync(MagickImage pngFile, string gifFile, Rectangle rect, PixelInterpolateMethod interpolateMethod = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bilinear, bool trimEmpty = false)
=> await GifPngMergeAsync(pngFile, new FileStream(gifFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), rect, interpolateMethod, trimEmpty);
public static async Task<MagickImageCollection> GifPngMergeAsync(Stream pngFile, string gifFile, Rectangle rect, PixelInterpolateMethod interpolateMethod = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bilinear, bool trimEmpty = false)
=> await GifPngMergeAsync(new MagickImage(pngFile), new FileStream(gifFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), rect, interpolateMethod, trimEmpty);
public static async Task<MagickImageCollection> GifPngMergeAsync(string pngFile, Stream gifFile, Rectangle rect, PixelInterpolateMethod interpolateMethod = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bilinear, bool trimEmpty = false)
=> await GifPngMergeAsync(new MagickImage(pngFile), gifFile, rect, interpolateMethod, trimEmpty);
public static async Task<MagickImageCollection> GifPngMergeAsync(string pngFile, string gifFile, Rectangle rect, PixelInterpolateMethod interpolateMethod = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bilinear, bool trimEmpty = false)
=> await GifPngMergeAsync(new MagickImage(pngFile), new FileStream(gifFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), rect, interpolateMethod, trimEmpty);
public static async Task<MagickImageCollection> GifPngMergeAsync(MagickImage pngFile, Stream gifFile, Rectangle rect, PixelInterpolateMethod interpolateMethod = PixelInterpolateMethod.Bilinear, bool trimEmpty = false)
MagickImageCollection pngCollection = new MagickImageCollection();
using MagickImageCollection gifCollection = new MagickImageCollection(gifFile);
int[] delay = new int[gifCollection.Count];
int indx = 0;
foreach (var frame in gifCollection)
MagickImage pngTemplate = new MagickImage(pngFile);
using MagickImage gifFrame = new MagickImage(frame);
if (trimEmpty)
gifFrame.BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None;
gifFrame.ColorFuzz = new Percentage(1);
var size = GetSize(gifFrame, rect);
gifFrame.InterpolativeResize(size.Width, size.Height, interpolateMethod);
size.X = (rect.Width + rect.X) / 2 - (gifFrame.Width / 2);
size.Y = (rect.Height + rect.Y) / 2 - (gifFrame.Height / 2);
pngTemplate.Composite(gifFrame, size.X, size.Y, CompositeOperator.Over);
delay[indx] = gifFrame.AnimationDelay;
pngCollection[0].AnimationDelay = 0;
for (int index = 1; index < pngCollection.Count - 1; index++)
pngCollection[index].AnimationDelay = delay[index];
if (pngCollection.Count > 1)
QuantizeSettings settings = new QuantizeSettings()
Colors = 2048
return pngCollection;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error processing; Exception = {ex}");
return null;
static Rectangle GetSize(MagickImage img, Rectangle rect)
Rectangle output = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, 0, 0);
double aspectRatio = (double)img.Width / img.Height;
double otherAspect = (double)img.Height / img.Width;
output.Width = (int)Math.Min(Math.Round(rect.Width - rect.X * aspectRatio), rect.Width - rect.X);
output.Height = (int)(output.Width * otherAspect);
return output;