added and fixed stuff

added summaries to some commands, finetuned some fish stuff, added min weight to stats, added alias xpto to xptolevel
Lan 4 years ago
parent 12be39e22d
commit 43df999b02
  1. 61
  2. 1

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
readonly string n = "<:no:677091514249248778>";
readonly string ye = "<:ya:677179974154715146>";
[Command("mine"), Ratelimit(6, 2, Measure.Minutes), Summary("Mines %coins")]
[Command("mine"), Ratelimit(6, 2, Measure.Minutes), Summary("Mines %coins.")]
public async Task Mine()
ulong time = ulong.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"));
@ -282,7 +282,6 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
xp = 77;
else if (rarity > 1700)
int tierRoll = SRandom.Next(0, 101);
@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
weight = 1000;
if (weight >= 750)
if (weight >= 1000)
size = FishSize.Medium;
if (weight >= (1000 - Convert.ToInt32(level * 2)))
@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
[Command("checkrod"),Summary("Displays what fishing rods you can use, as well as your currently equipped fishing rod")]
[Command("checkrod"),Summary("Displays what fishing rods you can use, as well as your currently equipped fishing rod.")]
public async Task CheckRod()
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou have unlocked fishing rods up to **T{user.RodOwned+1}**\nYou have currently equipped a **T{user.RodUsed+1}** rod");
[Command("setrod"),Summary("Set your fishing rod to the desired tier (for example: 'setrod 1' to set to default rod)")]
[Command("setrod"),Summary("Set your fishing rod to the desired tier (for example: 'setrod 1' to set to default rod.)")]
public async Task SetRod(byte tier)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
@ -707,7 +706,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Go fish nigger").ConfigureAwait(false);
[Command("tradebuy", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("")]
[Command("tradebuy", RunMode = RunMode.Async), Summary("Unfinished command")]
public async Task TradingBuy(int amount, string itemtype, int price, [Remainder] string item)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
@ -787,7 +786,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
[Command("tradesell"), Summary("")]
[Command("tradesell"), Summary("Unfinished command")]
public async Task TradingSell(int amount, string itemtype, int price, [Remainder] string item)
string contents = "trade info";
@ -833,7 +832,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nInvalid trade type. Come back when the error command is fixed lmaoy").ConfigureAwait(false);
[Command("tradeoffers"), Summary("")]
[Command("tradeoffers"), Summary("Unfinished command")]
public async Task ShowOffers(bool localOffers = true)
using (var database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
@ -861,9 +860,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
[Command("balance"), Alias("bal", "money"), Summary("Displays the percentage of the total currency you own")]
[Command("balance"), Alias("bal", "money"), Summary("Displays the percentage of the total currency you own.")]
public async Task Shekels([Remainder] IUser otherUser = null)
User user;
@ -914,7 +911,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{otherUser.Mention} owns {user.Money / 10000d}%\nWhich is ~{Math.Round(((user.Money * 100d) / (1000000d - buser.Money - suser.Money)), 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven)}% of the money in circulation");
[Command("bank"), Summary("Displays the percentage of total currency the bank owns")]
[Command("bank"), Summary("Displays the percentage of total currency the bank owns.")]
public async Task BankBalance()
User user;
@ -926,7 +923,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Bank has {user.Money / 10000d}% left\nSkuld can currently sell a maximum of {suser.Money * 64}₩ at 0.0001% = 64₩ exchange rate");
[Command("bet"), Summary("Gamble %coins in units of 0.0001%")]
[Command("bet"), Summary("Gamble %coins in units of 0.0001%.")]
public async Task Gamble(int wager)
int res1 = SRandom.Next(0, 101);
@ -946,9 +943,10 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
var user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
var buser = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0);
if (user.Money < loss)
if (user == null || user.Money < loss)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\n You can't afford that, go back to the mines.");
@ -1163,29 +1161,25 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
var user = database.Fishing.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
var muser = database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}'s stats\nFishing level: **{user.Lvl}**\nMax catch weight: **{(user.Lvl * 5 + 2000d) / 100}kg**\nFishing xp: **{user.TXp}**\nTotal fish: **{scount + mcount + lcount}** *(Large: {lcount} Medium: {mcount} Small: {scount})*\nBalance: **{muser.Money / 10000d}%**");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}'s stats\nFishing level: **{user.Lvl}**\nMax catch weight: **{(user.Lvl * 5 + 2000d) / 100}kg**\nMin catch weight: **{(user.Lvl*5d + 10d)/100}kg**\n" +
$"Fishing xp: **{user.TXp}**\nTotal fish: **{scount + mcount + lcount}** *(Large: {lcount} Medium: {mcount} Small: {scount})*\nBalance: **{muser.Money / 10000d}%**");
var user = database.Fishing.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == otherUser.Id);
var muser = database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == otherUser.Id);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{otherUser.Mention}'s stats\nFishing level: **{user.Lvl}**\nMax catch weight: **{(user.Lvl * 5 + 2000d) / 100}kg**\nFishing xp: **{user.TXp}**\nTotal fish: **{scount + mcount + lcount}** *(Large: {lcount} Medium: {mcount} Small: {scount}*)\nBalance: **{muser.Money / 10000d}%**");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{otherUser.Mention}'s stats\nFishing level: **{user.Lvl}**\nMax catch weight: **{(user.Lvl * 5 + 2000d) / 100}kg**\nMin catch weight: **{(user.Lvl * 5d + 10d) / 100}kg**\n" +
$"Fishing xp: **{user.TXp}**\nTotal fish: **{scount + mcount + lcount}** *(Large: {lcount} Medium: {mcount} Small: {scount}*)\nBalance: **{muser.Money / 10000d}%**");
[Command("xptolevel"),Alias("tolv", "xpto"),Summary("Displays how much xp you need to reach the given level.")]
public async Task XpToNextLevl(ulong lvl)
ulong lvlXp = 50;
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
var user = Database.Fishing.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
if (user == null)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Sorry, **{Context.User.Username}**, my dad was too lazy to ");
if (lvl > 1 && lvl <= 200)
for (ulong i = 1; i < lvl; i++)
@ -1215,17 +1209,26 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"<@242040333309837327>\nA fucky wucky has occurred with {Context.User.Mention}'s command");
if (user.Lvl >= lvl)
var user = Database.Fishing.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
if (user == null)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"XP required for **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp}**" +
$"\nXP since you reached **Lvl {lvl} : {user.TXp - lvlXp}**");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nXP required for **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp}**");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"XP required for **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp}**" +
$"\nXP left until **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp - user.TXp}**");
if (user.Lvl >= lvl)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nXP required for **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp}**" +
$"\nXP since you reached **Lvl {lvl} : {user.TXp - lvlXp}**");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nXP required for **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp}**" +
$"\nXP left until **Lvl {lvl} : {lvlXp - user.TXp}**");

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
if (user.BattleFish.Any() == false)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou don't have a battlefish.");
var fish = user.BattleFish.FirstOrDefault();
