Update Economy.cs

fixed weight rolls in fishing, changed inventory to be more compact
Lan 4 years ago
parent 9f32d58b01
commit 99a62accf3
  1. 186

@ -158,33 +158,29 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
if (end == 0)
if (end <= 0)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{marks}\n{Context.User.Mention} You have found {ore} {discard}.");
else if(end < 3)
if (end < 3)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{marks}\n{Context.User.Mention} You found {end / 10000d}% while mining");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{marks}\n{Context.User.Mention} You found {end / 10000d}% while mining");
if (end != 0)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
var user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), end))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, convince someone to gamble.");
var user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), end))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, convince someone to gamble.");
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
@ -238,10 +234,22 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
int rari = (SRandom.Next(0, 2001));
int weigh = SRandom.Next(10, 1501+prestige*500);
int tierRoll = SRandom.Next(0, 101+prestige*100);
int tierRoll = SRandom.Next(0, 81+prestige*40);
int dCatchRoll = SRandom.Next(0, 1000+prestige*5);
int dcatch = 1;
ulong rarity;
int weight;
if (dCatchRoll > 1000)
int many = 995;
while (many+5 <= dCatchRoll)
dcatch += 1;
many += 5;
if (level < 100 && prestige == 0)
rarity = level * 10 + (ulong)rari;
@ -381,14 +389,14 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
weight = SRandom.Next(100, 2001) + Convert.ToInt32(level * 5 + (Convert.ToUInt64(prestige * 500)));
if (fish.Rarity == FishRarity.Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T2Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T3Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T4Legendary)
weight = SRandom.Next(2000 + Convert.ToInt32(level * 20), 40001 + prestige * 10000);
if (weight >= 1000)
if (fish.Rarity == FishRarity.Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T2Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T3Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T4Legendary)
weight = SRandom.Next(2000 + Convert.ToInt32(level * 20), 40001+prestige*10000);
if (weight >= 1500)
size = FishSize.Large;
@ -399,7 +407,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
double w = Convert.ToDouble(weight);
xp = Convert.ToUInt64(Math.Round((xp * w / 1000), 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven));
xp = Convert.ToUInt64(Math.Round(xp * w / 1000, 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven))*(ulong)dcatch;
if (fish.Rarity == FishRarity.Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T2Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T3Legendary || fish.Rarity == FishRarity.T4Legendary)
@ -440,7 +448,7 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
int sizeIndex = (int)size;
amounts[sizeIndex] += dcatch;
@ -502,8 +510,15 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
await Database.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // :]
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\n {fish.Emote} You have caught a {weight / 100d}kg **{fish.Name}**, rarity: {fish.Rarity}\nYou gain **{xp}**xp.\n{lvlUp}");
if (dcatch == 1)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\n {fish.Emote} You have caught a {weight / 100d}kg **{fish.Name}**, rarity: {fish.Rarity}\nYou gain **{xp}**xp.\n{lvlUp}");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\n {fish.Emote} You have caught **{dcatch}** {weight / 100d}kg **{fish.Name}**, rarity: {fish.Rarity}\nYou gain **{xp}**xp.\n{lvlUp}");
@ -608,101 +623,58 @@ namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
Dictionary<FishSpecies, int> med = new Dictionary<FishSpecies, int>();
Dictionary<FishSpecies, int> large = new Dictionary<FishSpecies, int>();
List<Fish> fishes = Fishing.GetFishList();
List<Fish> legfish = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Legendary).ToList();
List<Fish> rarfish = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Rare).ToList();
List<Fish> uncfish = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Uncommon).ToList();
List<Fish> comfish = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Common).ToList();
string legendary = "";
string rare = "";
string uncommon = "";
string common = "";
int lc = 0;
string fishnam = "";
string fishmote = "";
string fishtext = "";
foreach (var entry in inv)
if (entry.Value.Count() > 0)
lc += 1;
fishmote = fishes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entry.Key).Emote;
if (entry.Key == FishSpecies.LuckyCatfish)
if (entry.Value[0] > 0)
small.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value[0]);
fishnam = "Lucky Catfish";
if (entry.Value.Count() > 1)
if (entry.Value[1] > 0)
med.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value[1]);
fishnam = $"{entry.Key}";
if (entry.Value.Count() > 2)
if (entry.Value[2] > 0)
large.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value[2]);
if (user.Id != Context.User.Id)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"arr matey this be {user.Mention}'s locker");
fishtext = $"**{fishmote} [S{entry.Value[0]} M{entry.Value[1]} L{entry.Value[2]}]**\n";
if (small.Any())
EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder
if (legfish.Any( f => f.Id == entry.Key))
Title = "small mateys"
foreach (var entry in small)
legendary += $"{fishtext}";
if (rarfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
if (entry.Key == FishSpecies.LuckyCatfish)
embed.AddField("Lucky Catfish", $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
embed.AddField(entry.Key.ToString(), $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
rare += $"{fishtext}";
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", embed: embed.Build());
if (med.Any())
EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder
if (uncfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
Title = "medium mateys"
foreach (var entry in med)
uncommon += $"{fishtext}";
if (comfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
if (entry.Key == FishSpecies.LuckyCatfish)
embed.AddField("Lucky Catfish", $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
embed.AddField(entry.Key.ToString(), $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
common += $"{fishtext}";
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", embed: embed.Build());
if (large.Any())
if (user.Id != Context.User.Id)
EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder
Title = "large mateys"
foreach (var entry in large)
if (entry.Key == FishSpecies.LuckyCatfish)
embed.AddField("Lucky Catfish", $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
embed.AddField(entry.Key.ToString(), $"{entry.Value} feeshie{(entry.Value > 1 ? "s" : "")}", true);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", embed: embed.Build());
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"arr matey this be {user.Mention}'s locker\n{legendary}\n{rare}\n{uncommon}\n{common}");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"arr matey this be {Context.User.Mention}'s locker\n{legendary}\n{rare}\n{uncommon}\n{common}");
