using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands { [Group] public class HelpModule : ModuleBase /////////////////////////////////////////////// { private CommandService _service; public HelpModule(CommandService service) //Create a constructor for the commandservice dependency { _service = service; } [Command("help"), Summary("Shows this thing")] public async Task HelpCommand([Remainder] string command = null) { if(command == null) { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); foreach (var module in Bot._cmds.Modules) { StringBuilder coommands = new StringBuilder(""); foreach(var cmd in module.Commands) { var result = await cmd.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context, Bot._dmap).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.IsSuccess) { coommands.Append(cmd.Name); if (cmd != module.Commands.LastOrDefault()) coommands.Append(", "); } } embed.AddField(module.Name, coommands.ToString()); } await ReplyAsync("Here's a list of commands search for the command to find what it be and what it do", false, embed.Build()); } else { var res = Bot._cmds.Search(command); if (res.IsSuccess) { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); var coomand = res.Commands.FirstOrDefault(); embed.AddField(coomand.Command.Name ?? "N/A", string.IsNullOrEmpty(coomand.Command.Summary) ? "No Summary Found" : coomand.Command.Summary); await ReplyAsync($"Here's a command like **{command}**", false, embed.Build()); } else { await ReplyAsync("Check your input retard"); } } } [Command("serverinv"), Summary("Invite to bot server (mainly used for assets)")] public async Task BotServerInvite() { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(""); } [Command("botinv"), Summary("Post the bot invite link")] public async Task BotInvite() { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Main bot: \n" + "Test bot:"); } } }