using Discord; using Discord.Addons.Interactive; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; using Kehyeedra3.Services.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Kehyeedra3.Buttons { public static class ButtonService // button testing { public static void RegisterCumButtons(DiscordSocketClient client) { client.InteractionCreated += HandleCumButtons; } private static async Task HandleCumButtons(SocketInteraction arg) { if (arg.Type == InteractionType.MessageComponent) { var parsedArg = (SocketMessageComponent)arg; switch (parsedArg.Data.CustomId) { case "cum": { await parsedArg.Message.ModifyAsync(z => { z.Components = null; }); await parsedArg.FollowupAsync("You have selected cum, prepare to die"); } break; case "piss": { await parsedArg.Message.ModifyAsync(z => { z.Components = null; }); await parsedArg.FollowupAsync("You have selected piss, prepare to shit"); } break; } } } public static void RegisterFarmButtons(DiscordSocketClient client) { client.InteractionCreated += HandleFarmButtons; } private static async Task HandleFarmButtons(SocketInteraction arg) { if (arg.Type == InteractionType.MessageComponent) { var parsedArg = (SocketMessageComponent)arg; Dictionary items = new Dictionary(); List crops = Farming.ListCrops(); List plots = Farming.ListFarmLand(); FarmTier tier = FarmTier.T0; string cropitemtxt = ""; string plotitemtxt = ""; switch (parsedArg.Data.CustomId) { //case "crop": // { // foreach (FCrop i in crops) // { // if (i.Price > 0 && (int)tier >= (int)i.Tier) // { // cropitemtxt += $"{(int)i.Id} : {i.Name} Seed for {((long)i.Price).ToYeedraDisplay()}%\n"; // } // } // await parsedArg.Message.ModifyAsync(z => { z.Components = null; }); // if (cropitemtxt != "") // { // await parsedArg.FollowupAsync($"Select an item\n{cropitemtxt}"); // } // else // { // await parsedArg.FollowupAsync($"There is nothing you can buy right now."); // } // } // break; //case "plot": // { // foreach (FLand i in plots) // { // if (i.Price > 0 && (int)tier >= (int)i.Tier) // { // plotitemtxt += $"{(int)i.Id} : {i.Name} for {((long)i.Price).ToYeedraDisplay()}%\n"; // } // } // await parsedArg.Message.ModifyAsync(z => { z.Components = null; }); // if (plotitemtxt != "") // { // await parsedArg.FollowupAsync($"Select an item\n{plotitemtxt}"); // } // else // { // await parsedArg.FollowupAsync($"There is nothing you can buy right now."); // } // } // break; } } } } }