oh yeah woo yeah
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using Discord;
using Discord.Addons.Interactive;
using Discord.Commands;
using Kehyeedra3.Preconditions;
using Kehyeedra3.Services.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO.Enumeration;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ImageMagick;
namespace Kehyeedra3.Commands
public class Interactive : InteractiveBase<SocketCommandContext>
readonly string[] attacks = new string[]
[Command("battlefish", RunMode = RunMode.Async),Alias("bf"),Summary("Type **bf help** or **bf h** for help with this command.")]
public async Task BattleFish(string option = null, [Remainder]string sec = null)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
var user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
var userfish = Database.Battlefish.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.UserId == Context.User.Id);
int attb = 0;
int defb = 0;
int hpb = 0;
int apb = 0;
int dgb = 0;
if (!userfish.Any() && option == null)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou don't have any battlefish.");
var ufish = userfish.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FishType == user.CurrentBattlefish);
if (ufish == null)
ufish = userfish.FirstOrDefault();
switch (ufish.FishType)
case Services.Models.BattleFish.Herring:
attb = 9;
defb = 9;
hpb = 9;
apb = 3;
dgb = 2;
case Services.Models.BattleFish.Birgus:
attb = 10;
defb = 6;
hpb = 5;
apb = 9;
dgb = 4;
case Services.Models.BattleFish.Abama:
attb = 4;
defb = 3;
hpb = 5;
apb = 18;
dgb = 8;
case Services.Models.BattleFish.Pistashrimp:
attb = 15;
defb = 4;
hpb = 5;
apb = 6;
dgb = 6;
string opt = "";
BattleFish type = 0;
if (option != null)
opt = option.ToLowerInvariant();
string bfishlist = "";
var fish = userfish.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FishType == user.CurrentBattlefish);
if (fish == null)
fish = userfish.FirstOrDefault();
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder($"{Context.User.Mention}\n");
string species = $"";
string attacks = $"";
double lvm = 20;
double lvmhp = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < fish.Lvl; i++)
lvm += Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(lvm) * 0.01d), 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven) + 5;
lvmhp += Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(lvmhp) * 0.01d), 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven) + 10;
int lvlm = Convert.ToInt32(lvm) / 10;
int lvlmhp = Convert.ToInt32(lvmhp) / 10;
int att = lvlm * attb;
int def = 5 * defb;
int hp = lvlmhp * hpb;
int ap = lvlmhp * apb;
int dg = dgb;
string prefix = "Hatchling";
string stats = "";
if (fish.Lvl >= 15)
prefix = "Young";
if (fish.Lvl >= 30)
prefix = "Adolescent";
if (fish.Lvl >= 50)
prefix = "Adult";
switch ((int)fish.FishType)
case 0:
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou don't have a battlefish.");
case 1:
species = "Herring";
if (fish.Lvl >= 100)
species += $"ton";
prefix = $"Authentic Masculine";
attacks += $"1 : **Slap** - {species} slaps the opponent.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 5)
attacks += $"\n2 : **Kick** - {species} kicks the opponent with his muscular fin.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 15)
attacks += $"\n3 : **Flex** - {species} flexes his fin muscles, stunning the opponent.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 30)
attacks += $"\n4 : **Restoration Wand** - {species} spins his wand to recover some health.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 50)
attacks += $"\n5 : **Fairy Nightmare** - {species} executes a devastating ultimate attack.";
case 2:
species = "Birgus";
if (fish.Lvl >= 100)
species += $"";
prefix = $"Great Sage";
attacks += $"1 : **Staff Slam** - {species} hits the enemy with its staff.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 5)
attacks += $"\n2 : **Chitin Shards** - {species} summons a blast of magical shards at your opponent.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 15)
attacks += $"\n3 : **Iron Shell** - {species} materializes a hard shell, increasing defense.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 30)
attacks += $"\n4 : **Siphon Gaze** - {species} absorbs the enemy's life force with an enigmatic gaze.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 50)
attacks += $"\n5 : **Ecletic Rift** - {species} summons portals to alternate dimensions to call forth an army of raving crabs.";
case 3:
species = "Abama";
if (fish.Lvl >= 100)
species += $"";
prefix = $"President";
attacks += $"1 : **Tentacle Slap** - {species} slaps the opponent with its tentacle.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 5)
attacks += $"\n2 : **Squirt Ink** - {species} shoots ink at the opponent, blinding them temporarily.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 15)
attacks += $"\n3 : **Bind** - {species} holds down the opponent with its tentacles.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 30)
attacks += $"\n4 : **Metabolism** - {species} increases metabolism to instantly remove all ailments.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 50)
attacks += $"\n5 : **Ancestral Wrath** - {species} calls into the depths to unleash its true potential.";
case 4:
species = "Pistashrimp";
if (fish.Lvl >= 100)
species += $" XTREME";
prefix = $"Hardboiled";
attacks += $"1 : **Pistolwhip** - {species} swings at the enemy with the back of its pistol.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 5)
attacks += $"\n2 : **Fire** - {species} shoots a round from its pistol.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 15)
attacks += $"\n3 : **Fedora Tip** - {species} tips its charming headwear, seducing the enemy.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 30)
attacks += $"\n4 : **Water Jet** - {species} tosses aside its silly weapon and snaps with its real claw.";
if (fish.Lvl >= 50)
attacks += $"\n5 : **Dual Jet** - {species} vaporizes the surrounding with its machine gun claws.";
stats = $"LVL {fish.Lvl} **{prefix} {species}**\nName: **{fish.Name}**\nStats: **ATK : {att} DEF : {def}% HP : {hp} AP : {ap}**\nActions:\n{attacks}\n\n";
if (opt == "")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.ToString());
if (opt == "change" || opt == "c")
string bfishlistname = "";
foreach (var fesh in userfish)
prefix = "Hatchling";
string suffix = "";
if (fesh.Lvl >= 15)
prefix = "Young";
if (fesh.Lvl >= 30)
prefix = "Adolescent";
if (fesh.Lvl >= 50)
prefix = "Adult";
switch ((int)fesh.FishType)
case 1:
if (fesh.Lvl >= 100)
bfishlistname += $"ton";
suffix = $"Authentic Masculine";
bfishlistname = $"{prefix} Herring{suffix}";
case 2:
if (fesh.Lvl >= 100)
prefix = $"Great Sage";
bfishlistname = $"{prefix} Birgus";
case 3:
if (fesh.Lvl >= 100)
prefix = $"President";
bfishlistname = $"{prefix} Abama";
case 4:
if (fesh.Lvl >= 100)
suffix += $" XTREME";
prefix = $"Hardboiled";
bfishlistname = $"{prefix} Pistashrimp{suffix}";
bfishlist += $"{(byte)fesh.FishType} : LVL {fesh.Lvl} {bfishlistname}\n";
if (option == "name" && sec != null || option == "n" && sec != null)
if (fish == null)
fish = userfish.FirstOrDefault();
if (fish == null)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou can't name a fish you don't own!");
if (sec.Length > 16)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nThe maximum name length is 16 characters. \nStop jassing.");
else if (fish.FishType != 0)
fish.Name = sec;
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou have changed the name of your battlefish to **{sec}**.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou can't manage a fish if you don't have one.");
else if (option == "buy" || option == "b")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nHere is a list of available battlefish. Please choose one by its respective number. All battlefish cost 0.05%." +
$"\n1 : **Herring** - An unarmed melee fighter with well balanced stats. It is not very agile.\nModifiers: **ATK 9, DEF 9, HP 9, AP 2**" +
$"\n2 : **Birgus** - A crustacean mage with a focus on AP and DMG. It is slightly agile.\nModifiers: **ATK 10, DEF 6, HP 5, AP 9**" +
$"\n3 : **Abama** - A cephalopod rogue with a heavy focus on debuffs. It is very agile.\nModifiers: **ATK 4, DEF 3, HP 5, AP 18**" +
$"\n4 : **Pistashrimp** - A crustacean ranger with a heavy focus on DPS. It is somewhat agile.\nModifiers: **ATK 15, DEF 4, HP 5, AP 6**");
var reply = await NextMessageAsync();
BattleFish rep = (BattleFish)byte.Parse(reply.Content);
if (userfish.Any(x => x.FishType == rep))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou already have one of those, please don't neglect it and make it sad.");
if ((int)rep > 4 || (int)rep < 1)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nWhat you're looking for does not exist.");
else if (user.Money < 500)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Sorry **{Context.User.Mention}**, I can't give credit.\nCome back when you're a little, ***mmmmm***, richer.\n*You're missing {(500 - user.Money)/10000d}%.*");
switch ((int)rep)
case 1:
species = "a Herring";
case 2:
species = "a Birgus";
case 3:
species = "an Abama";
case 4:
species = "a Pistashrimp";
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou want **{species}**? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough **%**.\n *This cannot be reverted. Type 'confirm' to confirm.*");
reply = await NextMessageAsync();
if (reply.Content.ToLowerInvariant() == "confirm")
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), -500))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, buy more bait.");
var bfish = new User.BattleFishObject
FishType = rep,
UserId = Context.User.Id
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nThank you for your purchase.");
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYour purchase is cancelled.");
else if (option == "info" || option == "i")
string info = "";
if (sec.ToLowerInvariant() == "herring")
info = "Equipment type: Enhancing clothing.\nBonus info: Only males of this species exist. I don't know how they reproduce, and I might not want to know.";
else if (sec.ToLowerInvariant() == "birgus")
info = "Equipment type: Staves.\nBonus info: Exceptional Birguses may live for centuries, their powers increasing with age. While breeding, they part with much of their potential power, so few of them actually do so.";
else if (sec.ToLowerInvariant() == "abama")
info = "Equipment type: Enhancing clothing.\nBonus info: The tentacles are not just for show. Being highly agile and stealthy, Abamas are experts at grabbing things unnoticed.";
else if (sec.ToLowerInvariant() == "pistashrimp")
info = "Equipment type: Firearms.\nBonus info: Despite making up only 13% of the underwater wildlife, Pistashrimps account for 100% of the unarmed firearm robberies. Few of them are righteous, but the ones that are make for great detectives.";
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nNot a valid fish.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\n{info}");
else if (option == "help" || option == "h")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}" +
$"\n**name or n** to name your fish." +
$"\n**buy or b** to buy a fish." +
$"\n**info or i** along with **name of bf** to get further info on a battlefish." +
$"\n**help or h** to view this." +
$"\n**change or c** to change battlefish to any owned fish." +
$"\nSpecify **no option** to view your battlefish stats.");
else if (option == "change" || option == "c")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nPlease select your battlefish\n{bfishlist}");
var fens = await NextMessageAsync();
type = (BattleFish)byte.Parse(fens.Content);
if (userfish.Any(x => x.FishType == type))
user.CurrentBattlefish = type;
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBattlefish changed.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou don't own that.");
else if (option == "combat" || option == "cb")
int eatt = 10;
int edf = 0;
int edg = 5;
int a1 = 0;
int d1 = 0;
int d2 = 0;
bool eturn = false;
if (sec == "enemy")
eturn = true;
if (eturn)
a1 = eatt;
d1 = def;
d2 = dg;
a1 = att;
d1 = edf;
d2 = edg;
int dmg = CalculateDamage(a1, d1, d2);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Damage is **{dmg}**");
//await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"*Combat test yeah baby*\nYour stats:\n**ATK : {att} DEF : {def}% HP : {hp} AP : {ap}**\nActions:\n{attacks}\n");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nAre you confused? Try **bf help** if you are having trouble with your bf.");
public static int CalculateDamage(int a1, int d1, int d2)
int roll = SRandom.Next(5, 11);
int rolldg = SRandom.Next(0, 11);
if (roll == 10)
a1 *= 2;
if (rolldg * d2 >= 50)
return 0;
return ((a1 * roll) / 10 - (a1 * d1 / 100));
[Command("gstore", RunMode = RunMode.Async),Alias("gs"),Summary("General store: gstore or gs. Secondary variables s/sell to sell, b/buy to buy.")]
public async Task GeneralStore(string input = null)
using (var Database = new ApplicationDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext())
Dictionary<Items, int[]> items = new Dictionary<Items, int[]>();
Dictionary<FishSpecies, int[]> fishinv = new Dictionary<FishSpecies, int[]>();
List<User.Item> itemlist = User.ListItems();
List<Fish> fishes = Fishing.GetFishList();
List<Fish> legfish = fishes.ToList();
List<Fish> rarfish = fishes.ToList();
List<Fish> uncfish = fishes.ToList();
List<Fish> comfish = fishes.ToList();
User.Item item;
Fish fish;
List<Fish> fishTiers = fishes.ToList();
var fuser = Database.Fishing.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
var user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Context.User.Id);
if (fuser == null)
fuser = new Fishing
Id = user.Id
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
fishinv = fuser.GetInventory();
if (user.GeneralInventory == null || user.GeneralInventory.Length < 3 )
user.GeneralInventory = "{}";
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
string itemtxt = "";
foreach (User.Item i in itemlist)
if ((int)i.Id < 200)
itemtxt += $"{(int)i.Id} : {i.Name} for {((long)i.Price).ToYeedraDisplay()}%\n";
if (input != null)
input = input.ToLowerInvariant();
if (input == null)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nPlease specify 'b / buy' to buy items, or 's / sell' to sell items.");
else if (input == "b" || input == "buy")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nSpecify the item and amount (ID num)\n{itemtxt}");
var inp = await NextMessageAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
var inpsep = inp.Content.Split(" ");
item = itemlist.FirstOrDefault(i => (int)i.Id == int.Parse(inpsep[0]));
items = user.GetGenInve();
int[] amount = { 0 };
if (!items.TryGetValue(item.Id, out amount))
amount = new int[] { 0 };
items.Add(item.Id, amount);
if (int.Parse(inpsep[1]) * item.Price <= user.Money)
amount[0] += int.Parse(inpsep[1]);
int count = int.Parse(inpsep[1]);
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nThis will cost you {((long)(count * item.Price)).ToYeedraDisplay()}.\nType 'ok' to confirm.");
inp = await NextMessageAsync();
if (inp.Content.ToLowerInvariant() == "ok")
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), -(count * item.Price)))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, buy more bait.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBought {count} of {item.Name}.");
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nPlease come back when you feel like spending.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nCome back when you're a little, MMMMMMmmmm, richer.");
else if (input == "s" || input == "sell")
int value = 0;
FishSize size;
if (fuser.Inventory.Length < 3)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Your inventory is empty. Try fishing more.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nSpecify the tier.\n");
var inp = await NextMessageAsync();
int tier = int.Parse(inp.Content);
if (tier > 0 && tier < 5)
switch (tier)
case 1:
fishTiers = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Tier == (int)FishTier.T1).ToList();
case 2:
fishTiers = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Tier == (int)FishTier.T2).ToList();
case 3:
fishTiers = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Tier == (int)FishTier.T3).ToList();
case 4:
fishTiers = fishes.Where(f => (int)f.Tier == (int)FishTier.T4).ToList();
legfish = fishTiers.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Legendary).ToList();
rarfish = fishTiers.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Rare).ToList();
uncfish = fishTiers.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Uncommon).ToList();
comfish = fishTiers.Where(f => (int)f.Rarity == (int)FishRarity.Common).ToList();
else if (tier < 1 || tier > 4)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nTier not available.");
string legendary = "";
string rare = "";
string uncommon = "";
string common = "";
string fishtext = "";
foreach (var entry in fishinv)
fishtext = $"{(int)entry.Key} : {entry.Key} [";
if (entry.Value[0] > 0)
fishtext += $" **S**-{entry.Value[0]}";
if (entry.Value[1] > 0)
fishtext += $" **M**-{entry.Value[1]}";
if (entry.Value[2] > 0)
fishtext += $" **L**-{entry.Value[2]}";
fishtext += $" ]\n";
if (legfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
legendary += $"{fishtext}";
if (rarfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
rare += $"{fishtext}";
if (uncfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
uncommon += $"{fishtext}";
if (comfish.Any(f => f.Id == entry.Key))
common += $"{fishtext}";
string locker = "";
if (legendary != "")
locker += $"{legendary}\n";
if (rare != "")
locker += $"{rare}\n";
if (uncommon != "")
locker += $"{uncommon}\n";
locker += $"{common}";
if (locker == "")
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You don't have anything to sell in this tier.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nSpecify the item, size, and amount. (ID size amount)\n\n{locker}");
inp = await NextMessageAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
var inpsep = inp.Content.Split(" ");
int siz = 0;
switch (inpsep[1].ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
case "s":
siz = 0;
case "m":
siz = 1;
case "l":
siz = 2;
fish = fishes.FirstOrDefault(i => (int)i.Id == int.Parse(inpsep[0]));
size = (FishSize)siz;
int amount = int.Parse(inpsep[2]);
int amountcheck = fishinv.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == fish.Id).Value[(int)size];
if (amountcheck < amount)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou don't have that many.\n");
siz += 1;
switch (fish.Rarity)
case FishRarity.Common:
value = (int)fish.Tier * siz * 1;
case FishRarity.Uncommon:
value = (int)fish.Tier * siz * 3;
case FishRarity.Rare:
value = (int)fish.Tier * siz * 6;
case FishRarity.Legendary:
value = (int)fish.Tier * 100 + 600;
value *= amount;
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou're about to sell **{amount} {fish.Name}** for **{((long)value).ToYeedraDisplay()}**.\nType 'ok' to confirm.");
inp = await NextMessageAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
if (inp.Content.ToLowerInvariant() == "ok")
int[] amounts;
if (!fishinv.TryGetValue(fish.Id, out amounts))
amounts = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
fishinv.Add(fish.Id, amounts);
int sizeIndex = (int)size;
amounts[sizeIndex] -= amount;
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), value))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, buy more bait.");
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nThanks, seaman, enjoy your moolah.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nI guess I'm starving tonight. :[");
else if (input == "bulksell")
int value = 0;
int count = 0;
FishTier ftier = FishTier.T1;
if (fuser.Inventory.Length < 3)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Your inventory is empty. Try fishing more.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nSpecify the tier.\n");
var inp = await NextMessageAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
int tier = int.Parse(inp.Content);
if (tier > 0 && tier < 5)
switch (tier)
case 1:
ftier = FishTier.T1;
case 2:
ftier = FishTier.T2;
case 3:
ftier = FishTier.T3;
case 4:
ftier = FishTier.T4;
else if (tier < 1 || tier > 4)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nTier not available.");
foreach (var f in fishinv)
int[] amounts;
if (!fishinv.TryGetValue(f.Key, out amounts))
amounts = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
fishinv.Add(f.Key, amounts);
if (f.Value[0] < 0)
f.Value[0] = 0;
if (f.Value[1] < 0)
f.Value[1] = 0;
if (f.Value[2] < 0)
f.Value[2] = 0;
fish = fishes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == f.Key);
if (fish.Tier == ftier && fish.Rarity != FishRarity.Unreasonable && fish.Rarity != FishRarity.Legendary)
if (f.Value[0] > 0)
switch (fish.Rarity)
case FishRarity.Common:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 1 * 1 * f.Value[0];
case FishRarity.Uncommon:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 1 * 3 * f.Value[0];
case FishRarity.Rare:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 1 * 6 * f.Value[0];
count += f.Value[0];
f.Value[0] = 0;
if (f.Value[1] > 0)
switch (fish.Rarity)
case FishRarity.Common:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 2 * 1 * f.Value[1];
case FishRarity.Uncommon:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 2 * 3 * f.Value[1];
case FishRarity.Rare:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 2 * 6 * f.Value[1];
count += f.Value[1];
f.Value[1] = 0;
if (f.Value[2] > 0)
switch (fish.Rarity)
case FishRarity.Common:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 3 * 1 * f.Value[2];
case FishRarity.Uncommon:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 3 * 3 * f.Value[2];
case FishRarity.Rare:
value += (int)fish.Tier * 3 * 6 * f.Value[2];
count += f.Value[2];
f.Value[2] = 0;
if (count < 1)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou have nothing to sell in this tier. Try ;finv.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nYou're about to sell **{count} Fish** for **{((long)value).ToYeedraDisplay()}%**.\nType 'ok' to confirm.");
inp = await NextMessageAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
if (inp.Content.ToLowerInvariant() == "ok")
if (!user.GrantMoney(Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 0), value))
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nBank has no money, buy more bait.");
await Database.SaveChangesAsync();
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nThanks, seaman, enjoy your moolah.");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}\nI guess I'm starving tonight. :[");