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using ImageMagick;
using Kehyeedra3.Services.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Kehyeedra3
public static class Helpers
public static async Task<(MagickImageCollection cardCollection, MagickFormat outFormatEnum, string outFormat)> MakeFishCardAsync(Fish fish, ulong currentXp, ulong floorXp, ulong nextLevelXp, string levelUp, int weight, ulong xp, int dcatch, bool bRar, bool bBig, bool bLet)
string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "btextures");
string fpath = Path.Combine(path, "fish");
string[] vowels = new string[] { "a", "e", "i", "o", "u" };
string label = $"You caught a{(vowels.Contains((fish.Name[0].ToString()).ToLower()) ? "n" : "")} {fish.Name}.\n{weight / 100d}kg {fish.Rarity} fish.\n\nYou gain {xp}xp.\n{levelUp.Replace("*", "")}.";
if (dcatch != 1)
label = $"You caught {dcatch} {fish.Name}.\n{weight / 100d}kg {fish.Rarity} fish.\n\nYou gain {xp}xp.\n{levelUp.Replace("*", "")}.";
if (bRar)
label = label.Replace($"{fish.Rarity}", $"{fish.Rarity}(+)");
if (bLet)
label = label.Replace($"{xp}xp", $"{xp}xp(+10%)");
if (bBig)
label = label.Replace($"{weight / 100d}kg", $"{weight / 100d}kg(+)");
if (levelUp.Contains("reach"))
label = label.Replace("\nYou gain", "\n\nYou gain");
string tier = "";
switch (fish.Tier)
case FishTier.T1:
tier = "tier1";
case FishTier.T2:
tier = "tier2";
case FishTier.T3:
tier = "tier3";
case FishTier.T4:
tier = "tier4";
if (fish.Rarity == FishRarity.Unreasonable)
tier = "tieru";
MagickImage tempCard = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(path, "background.png"));
DrawableFont font = new DrawableFont(Path.Combine(path, "COMIC.TTF"));
using (MagickImage frame = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(path, "scover.png"), new MagickReadSettings //cover
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None
tempCard.Composite(frame, CompositeOperator.Over);
//draw to tempcard
using (MagickImage frame = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(path, "frame.png"), new MagickReadSettings //frame
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None
tempCard.Composite(frame, CompositeOperator.Over);
using (MagickImage stats = new MagickImage($"label:" + label, new MagickReadSettings
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None,
FillColor = MagickColors.White,
FontPointsize = 14,
Font = font.Family,
TextAntiAlias = false,
StrokeAntiAlias = false
tempCard.Composite(stats, 139, 5, CompositeOperator.Over);
//draw progressbar
if (currentXp != 0)
using (MagickImage xpBar = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(path, "xpbar.png"), new MagickReadSettings //xpbar
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None
using (var mask = new MagickImage("xc:none", xpBar.Width, xpBar.Height))
var h = (int)currentXp.Remap(floorXp, nextLevelXp, 5, 128);
mask.Draw(new DrawableFillColor(MagickColors.White), new DrawableRectangle(0, 128, xpBar.Width, 128 - h));
xpBar.Composite(mask, CompositeOperator.CopyAlpha);
tempCard.Composite(xpBar, 405, 5, CompositeOperator.Over);
MagickImageCollection cardCollection = await Extensions.GifPngMergeAsync(
Path.Combine(fpath, fish.Texture),
new Rectangle(10, 10, 128, 128),
foreach(var card in cardCollection)
using (MagickImage frame = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(path, $"{tier}.png"), new MagickReadSettings //tier glow
BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None
card.Composite(frame, 5, 5, CompositeOperator.Over);
MagickFormat outFormat = MagickFormat.Png;
if (cardCollection.Count > 1)
outFormat = MagickFormat.Gif;
return (cardCollection, outFormat, outFormat.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
catch (Exception ex)
return (null, MagickFormat.Png, MagickFormat.Png.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());