A C# Wrapper for the Booru Image Boards.

Updated 2 years ago

C# Cachet Monitor Service

Updated 2 years ago

Cachet Android App

Updated 2 years ago

A Cards Against Humanity Clone focusing on being easy to setup and run for game nights.

Updated 2 years ago

A bunch of scriptlets I created or found

Updated 2 years ago

Bugs relating to the Skuld infrastructure

Updated 2 years ago

A podcast aggregator

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

oh yeah woo yeah

Updated 1 year ago

Meme Generation API

Updated 9 months ago

Last.fm Discord RPC

Updated 2 years ago

"Code-Only" C# "Game" Engine

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Turn any database into a GET-able Rest API

Updated 2 years ago

Skuld's API Client Wrapper in .NET

Updated 2 years ago

.Net wrapper for services hosted on https://api.systemexit.co.uk/ & https://kitsu.systemexit.co.uk/

Updated 2 years ago

Synchronise Twitch Events to your Phillips Hue Lights

Updated 2 years ago

Main website

Updated 9 months ago