@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
# RestAPI |
--- |
[](https://dev.azure.com/exsersewo/RestAPI/_build/latest?definitionId=3&branchName=master) |
[](https://www.codacy.com/gh/exsersewo/RestAPI/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=exsersewo/RestAPI&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) |
A Restful GET-only database agnostic API provider built with ASP.Net & .Net 5.0; |
Inspiration from: [project-open-data/db-to-api](https://github.com/project-open-data/db-to-api) |
## Supports |
--- |
#### Output |
#### Databases |
###### Currently Supported |
MariaDB, MySql, MongoDB, PostgreSQL |
###### In Development |
Firebird, SQLite, IBM, Informix, MS SQL Server, ODBC/DB2, Oracle, CUBRID, 4D |
## Self Hosting |
--- |
###### Prerequisites |
* Visual Studio >= 2019 |
* .Net Version >= 5.0 |
* (If Docker; Docker & Docker Compose) |
#### Development Builds |
1. Clone the [dev](https://github.com/exsersewo/RestAPI/tree/dev/) branch |
2. Open `/src/RestAPI.sln` within Visual Studio |
3. Build the solution |
4. Copy `/.env.default` into `output/.env` |
3. Follow the steps for Consumer Releases from Step 3. onwards |
#### Consumer Releases (non Docker) |
1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/exsersewo/RestAPI/releases/latest) |
2. Copy `/.env.default` into `/.env` |
3. Run `RestAPI.exe` or `dotnet RestAPI.dll` |
4. 🎊 You now have a working instance of RestAPI 🎊 |
#### Consumer Releases (with Docker) |
1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/exsersewo/RestAPI/releases/latest) |
2. Copy `.env.default` into `.env` |
3. Configure the `.env` file |
4. Run `docker-compose up` |
5. 🎊 You now have a working instance of RestAPI 🎊 |